What three words describe your life and current situation?
This was a question that I posted recently on Facebook. I was surprised at the responses from my family and friends. I was expecting more negativity, honestly. But most are truly happy with their current situations and lives. It was a nice surprise. Reading the responses was refreshing and heart-warming.
I found that while stress, exhaustion and chaos can be present in our everyday lives, so can happiness and fulfillment. It's not all one way or the other. It's not 100% "Facebook perfect" all the time.
Some of the positive words that were used were: focused, breastfeeding (haha), thankful, loved, HAPPY, family, fulfilling, rewarding, but I think my favourite was tequila! When I asked the question, everyone took the time to really think and reflect. The responses weren't a quick reaction of negative feelings that come to one's mind.
When we take the time, we can better assess and think about what we are thankful for. We take stock of our Self.